AI Insights

Oh Lá Lá! The French Stock Market Feels the Sting of a Snap Election and What this Reveals About the Complexity of Data.

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

President Macron certainly put the ‘snap’ in the snap election with his announcement on June 9 of French parliamentary elections, following his centrist party’s hammering in the recent European Parliamentary elections. That snapping sound seemed to reverberate the loudest beyond the political realm, in the French stock market. It is somewhat rare to see such a direct impact of politics on a financial market. The CAC 40 (France’s leading market index), at time of writing, has lost -5% since the president’s announcement. There is a traditional cliché that stock markets do not like uncertainty—traders, however, know that with the injection of uncertainty comes opportunity and error depending on one’s reading of the data at hand.

Assessing the CAC 40’s sudden decline can be simplified as follows: the Rassemblement National (RN) (the rebranded far-right National Front party) which represents an elastic mélange of far-right populism, received the largest share of the French vote in the recent European Parliamentary elections, 31.5%. Macron upset the political norms by calling a national parliamentary election the night of the results on the assumption that he would call the electorate’s bluff, and that they would have to think twice about repeating their support for the RN in a national election.

To give some context, the European Parliamentary elections are generally seen as being of lesser significance than national elections and thus often become a way of issuing a protest-vote of sorts against the national government. The market’s response though, appears to reflect an opinion that does not agree with Macron’s logic and thus thinks that the RN party’s vote will be sustained in the national vote and furthermore, that Macron has inadvertently rejuvenated France’s left wing. This is quite a surprise given how successful the centrist party Macron created had been at practically wiping out the more centrist Socialist Party vote in the two previous elections. Thus, the market response is to a potential scenario of a hung parliament and a non-functioning government. To add to the problem, Macron—in a podcast during the week—resorted to scare tactics, by suggesting that if the far-right and far-left achieve the projected success, it will lead France to a civil war.

Data is More Borderless Than We Appreciate

Unless you happen to be an investor in French stocks or are someone with a broader interest in French politics does any of this really matter?

On the surface from beyond the intricacies of French politics the answer is probably no, not much, but that would be short-sighted. We have to remember that we are living in an age of information, a consequence of which is borderless universality. Thus, it is in this sphere of data, that what is happening in France currently could have real impact on all investors, with no geographic interest in France.

A Hidden Problem

It is important to remember that a global event such as the upcoming French election is generating vast amounts of data—primarily of course in France but internationally also. In many cases this international data generation will inevitably lack the appropriate nuances and understandings of the native political discussion. All of this illustrates one aspect of ‘Big Data’ that is not well understood due to the lack of any meaningful comparative precedence. Take the fall in the CAC 40. From a data perspective this -5% fall can be analyzed and correlated with all manner of electoral measures, language terms used, political delineations, voter sentiment, market sentiment, and on and on. The connections listed, however, are only touching off what you could term human attributable correlations, or logical links. In the big data context, these links spread far beyond human attribution and instead become vastly complex numeric calculations that do not need to make sense, as they ultimately just become numbers.

As AI systems become larger and ever more data hungry, this type of local data inevitably goes global and, in the process, loses it contextual, geographical, subtly, reference and meaning and becomes universal. This falsely gives the impression that it can be used to help find, for example, the next somewhere, where a snap election announcement will lead to a rapid 5% fall in the stock market. Additionally, as data like this becomes part of broader data sets used for training, and from there becomes embedded in the weightings used to train other AI systems, the more distant it gets from its original contextual reality.

The issue is that there cannot be sufficient clarity in answering why in a big data AI-system a certain type of data is being used or has been used in the past. All of this leaves the investor unable know if, how, why and when the recent events in the French markets and political landscape may be relevant to their own investment decisions in an unconnected area like US equity for example. To overcome these problems, it is advisable for investors to develop an understanding of the sheer scale of change in the accumulation and use of data and how this is changing the investment landscape for everyone.

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Image Credit: Shocky at Shutterstock.

The Unwitting Revolutionary?

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

The rain-drenched start outside number 10 Downing Street as Rishi Sunak announced a general election in the UK on July 4th seemed to fittingly parallel the dull prospects for Sunak as he seeks re-election. His Conservative Party is trailing the opposition Labour Party by a gapping 22% according to a voting intention poll conducted by You Gov, the first since the general election announcement on May 22nd.

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Troubling Times, Non-Normal Distributions, and Dangerous Assumptions

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

The recent flaring of tensions in the Middle East, with the escalation to the exchange of direct strikes between Iran and Israel, has provoked the general awareness of geopolitical uncertainty and its potential impact on global markets. This creates an occasion therefore, perhaps, to reflect on the effect of shock-factors on stock markets and the general difficulty when grappling with the analysis of the unexpected.

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How European Pensions Could Manage Added Risk in Portfolio Exposures in Pursuit of Higher Returns

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

In our previous commentary. we explored the detrimental impact of the profound change in the underlying population demographics on European pensions. As we observed, the financial engineering error European pension funds made was that they did not properly account for the shrinking population of pension contributors and the growing population of longer living pension recipients. This has left pension funds grappling with the prospect of potential future collapse unless some very serious financial re-engineering is engaged in to fix the problem. And we left off with a suggestion that a solution could come through the addition of AI-driven strategies within the asset allocation mix.

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Fixing The Leaning Towers of European Pensions

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

What Tourists and European Pensioners Have in Common

It is perhaps only somewhere with the allure of Italy, a bastion of human culture and progress for millennia, that could make an engineering failure a tourist attraction. The Leaning Tower of Pisa has about half a million visitors each year, with millions of euros in investment over the years helping re-engineer a solution to stabilize it and prevent gravity from eventually bringing it crashing to the ground (and Pisa’s tourist revenues along with it). It perhaps could serve as a positive metaphor for the troubling situation for not just Italy’s but Europe’s pension funds and the millions of pensioners they serve.

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Yin and Yin, and Addressing the Market Dilemmas of Now in a Different Way

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

October has not failed to live up to its reputation as a volatile month for the US stock market. For those seeking an explanation, the fall is being blamed on the rise of US 10-year treasury yields, which crossed 5% for the first time since July 2007. With risk-free investment around 5%, the shine is somewhat taken off risky US equity investments. In addition, the prospect of higher-for-longer borrowing costs does not bode well for US companies and by extension the stock market.

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