AI Insights

Fooled by Cleverness: Is Your Portfolio Manager’s AI-Model Deceptively Skewed Towards the Most Recent Past?

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

Sophisticated investors are (hopefully) already reaping the benefits of the AI wave, by picking the winners among the tech stocks that have had an AI-driven surge in value since the beginning of this year. It is rather more difficult, however, to take the next step searching for AI opportunities among money managers deploying the technology. There is a very good reason for this.

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The Case for An AI/AI (Artificial Intelligence / Alternative Investment) Portfolio Allocation

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

Which alternative investments diversify your portfolio?

Investors agree that there are benefits in having diversification within a portfolio. Deciding how diversification should be achieved and to what extent to allow diversification allocations to have a dilutionary effect on a portfolio’s core investment allocation are among the most challenging choices investors have to make.

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AI & Structuring A New Investment Strategy Differently

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

From Employment to Stocks and Sectors

A considerable amount of focus is being placed on the potential impact that AI could have on the future of the white-collar employment landscape. From writing code to writing reports, jobs that are the preserve of a very narrow definition of “intellect” are potentially under severe threat. This is because AI now offers the possibilities of doing these tasks faster, doing them as well as a human counterpart could, and possibly better (in that there is the potential for less error).

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How Is Your AI-based Investment Portfolio Dealing With Investment Irrationality?

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

The Good, the Bad, and the Confusing

March has certainly been a turbulent month for US markets for various reasons, with the most pointed condensing around the fears of a banking crisis following the demise of SVB and Signature Bank. The VIX index crossed 25 for the first time in 2023, indicating how uncertainty has been ramping up. Or was it? The S&P 500 began the month at 3970.15 and it closed at 3971.27 at the time of writing on March 28. A 0.03% change is not particularly noteworthy!

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Are Your Money Managers Chatting With Bots?

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

Hype and Reality—I assemble, therefore, am I?

The last few weeks of ChatGPT/Bing vs Bard chatter online and in the press has elicited an outpouring of commentary on AI.

Everything from “Sydney” the would-be home-breaker, to evil alter egos, to espionage on the AI’s creators has graced the media.

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The Fickleness of Data: The ‘Pass’ Or ‘Play’ Challenge When Your Portfolio Manager Is Using AI For Making Trading Decisions

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

Just because a data stream is available to use as input in a quantitative model for making trading decisions for an AI-based investment strategy—and it is found to be spiking, whether up or down—does not make it usefully relevant for signaling when and how to trade, be it on an ongoing basis, or even over the short-term.

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In Pursuit of Improved Risk-Adjusted Concerns, as 2022’s Uncertainties Roll Over into 2023

by Plotinus Plotinus No Comments

As US stock market investors watch 2022 draw to a close, the ‘big three’ global macro-economic factors that impacted volatility this year will still be at large in 2023: Inflation, Russia, and Covid. They will continue to drive hard-to-time downward volatility spikes in 2023, impacting, at a minimum, an investor’s short to mid-term risk-adjusted returns.

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