The New Year gives us a moment to reflect on the impact of 2020. What was a grim year economically, proved to be a stellar year for some financially. Meanwhile, the uncertainty of the lockdown further validated our AI-based approach to stock-market investing.
Three Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence in 2021
2020 could be said to be the year of AI everything, when AI applications seem to be entering into every sphere of daily life. With investors being presented with strong evidence that AI strategies are the new alternative investment, here are our three thoughts on AI in 2021.
Is Karl Chuckling?
The new US administration is making its foreign relations preparations to assume power in January under the banner “America is Back.” The phrase contains what some non-Americans might call American Solipsism. This is fed in part by the mistaken notion that the whole world has been moving in an Americentric or more specifically a Trump-centric orbit for the last four years, simply because all US political/media debate thought it to be so. What has been most striking for the outside observer from abroad, one step removed, was the totality of it, ½ + ½ = 1, regardless of which side of the US political divide, which could be parodied as total hate or total love of the 45th president.
AI Strategies Are New Bedrock for Portfolio Management
Artificial intelligence can be deployed to help investors navigate the post-coronavirus backdrop. Whereas popular yield-enhancing strategies, such as venture capital, often require redemption lockups and may lead to valuation surprises, advanced technology empowers portfolio managers to exploit otherwise established trading patterns in public securities, argues a new white paper by Plotinus Asset Management.
Long Washington, Short London
With the US presidential election now appearing to be over we are seeing much of the world’s excess media attention that the election had been vacuuming up in recent weeks, return to the theme that has dominated 2020, Covid-19. From an investor’s perspective this return to the pandemic focus means trying to continue to assess its economic/investment consequences and its various governmental mis/handlings globally.
Side-Stepping the Maelstrom
As the US election makes its last twists and contortions toward its finale, there are clichés a plenty to describe its unique ‘never before, in a time like no other’ status. Partisans and pundits feast on every breath, tweet, or throat clearing from the White House.
What’s In a Name?
We are often asked about the origins of our firm’s name. What connection could a philosopher of antiquity have with artificial intelligence decision-based trading?
US Stocks Poised for Further Upside
Economic nationalism worldwide will favor ongoing strength in US-traded stocks, as global investors shift their attention to the most stable economies, argues a new white paper by Plotinus Asset Management. The US is the most sensible opportunity amid geopolitical uncertainty.
Finding Context in Numbers
From a US financial perspective, the month of July was a tale of two numbers. The S&P 500TR produced the first month-end positive return of the year at 2.48% and GDP growth figures for the second quarter hit an astounding low of -32.9% annualized. This appears to leave the investor with a deep markets/economy dichotomy.
Five Things We’ve Learned Trading With AI
Plotinus has cause for celebration. In June, our firm entered into its third year of using AI decision-based trading. It has been very encouraging to see the power of our technology prove itself in US equities against both the market benchmark and the competition.
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